Govardhan Puja also referred to in the form of Annakut Puja (meaning “a mound of grain”), is celebrated across India to celebrate Lord Krishna’s triumph in the battle against Indra. Indra in the form of lifting the Govardhan hill. On the 4th day of the Hindu celebration of Diwali, the puja is performed by worshipping the pile of grains that symbolizes the Govardhan mountain.
Govardhan Puja will be celebrated on the 5th of November, 2021.
Govardhan puja is a celebration of Lord Krishna’s victory over the insecure Lord Indra. The people of Vrindavan were taught to worship nature through Lord Krishna. The Annakut ritual is carried out with great gratitude, excitement and enthusiasm. It is among the essential rites performed in many Indian states, including Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Mathura, Vrindavan and Bihar.
Table of Contents
Annakoot/ Govardhan Puja 2021: Date, Puja Time & Shubh Muhurat
- Date: November 5, Friday
- Pratipada Tithi Begins – 02:44 AM on Nov 05, 2021
- Pratipada Tithi Ends – 11:14 PM on Nov 05, 2021
- Govardhan Puja Pratahkala Muhurat – 06:36 AM to 08:47 AM
- Govardhan Puja Sayankala Muhurat – 03:22 PM to 05:33 PM
Importance of Govardhan Puja
The significance of Govardhan Puja: In the Bhagavata Purana, Krishna raises Govardhan Hill to shelter the people of Vrindavan from a torrential downpour. This is a special day for Vaishnavas to remember that. This is believed to be God’s promise of protection for those who seek refuge in his.
People who are devoted offer an entire mountain of food offerings to God in a symbolic representation of Govardhan Hill in ritual remembrance and regain their faith in God. The festival is celebrated throughout the major Hindu religions across India as well as around the world.
The people express their gratitude to the Lord by offering Annakoota. The dish is often known as Chappan Bohra. The puja is crucial as it promotes the idea of conservation and environmental protection. The worship of Mother Nature has long been integral to Hinduism. The principal purpose in mountain worship was always protection and conservation of valuable and endangered natural resources.
It is among the most significant celebrations for Vaishnavas and includes the Vallabha Pushtimarg, and the Gaudiya Sampradaya in Chaitanya and that of Swaminarayan Sampradaya.
Govardhan Puja Story in English
Govardhan Puja Story : According to the Vishnu Puran, Lord Krishna once requested his mother Yashoda to find out why she believed in God Indra. Mother Yashoda stated that devotees worship Indra since He is the one who controls all the elements on Earth.
Young Krishna disagreed with His mother and demanded that the people stop praying to God Indra. He insisted that they revere the Govardhan mountain because it is the one that provides the locals with the natural resources, they need to sustain their lives. Every hamlet in the village agreed with Krishna due to His wisdom and immense power.
Due to the child Krishna’s behaviour, Deity Indra became enraged and instructed Varuna Deva (the God of rain) to pour continuous torrential rain throughout the seven days. Due to the heavy rain. The inhabitants of Gokul pleaded with Lord Krishna to safeguard them from the torrential rain.
When the people approached the Govardhan hill, the young God Krishna lifted and uprooted the mountain with His little finger. Villagers, their cows, and others sought shelter under the Govardhan mountain. Lord Indra accepted his sorrow and ended the raging storms after seven days because he realized that the little child was the image for Lord Vishnu. In the end, the day is celebrated as a festival to honour Mount Govardhan.
Since then, Hindus have celebrated Govardhan Puja. Mount Govardhan has grown into an important pilgrimage site for Lord Krishna devotees. On Annakut, the day of worship, thousands of devotees serve various food to the mountain. They do a Parikrama of an 11-mile trek around the hill and present floral arrangements Diyas to the temples in the area.
Another mythology associated with Govardhan Puja concerns the defeat of King Bali through the Lord Vishnu in his avatar ‘Vamana. Each year, during the festival of Govardhan Puja King Bali is believed to rise in Pataal Lok to visit his kingdom on Earth. In different regions across the nation the day is called ‘Padva’ or “Bali Pratipada.’
Govardhan Puja Story in Hindi
विष्णु पुराण के अनुसार, भगवान कृष्ण ने एक बार अपनी मां यशोदा का सामना यह जानने के लिए किया था कि वह भगवान इंद्र में क्यों विश्वास करती हैं। माता यशोदा ने कहा कि भक्त इंद्र की पूजा करते हैं क्योंकि वह पृथ्वी पर सभी तत्वों को नियंत्रित करने वाले हैं।
युवा कृष्ण अपनी मां से असहमत थे और मांग की कि लोग भगवान इंद्र से प्रार्थना करना बंद कर दें। उन्होंने जोर देकर कहा कि वे गोवर्धन पर्वत का सम्मान करते हैं क्योंकि यह वह है जो स्थानीय लोगों को प्राकृतिक संसाधन प्रदान करता है, उन्हें अपने जीवन को बनाए रखने की आवश्यकता होती है। उनकी बुद्धि और अपार शक्ति के कारण गाँव कृष्ण से सहमत था।
युवा कृष्ण के व्यवहार के कारण, देवता इंद्र क्रोधित हो गए और वरुण देव (बारिश के देवता) को सात दिनों में लगातार मूसलाधार बारिश करने का निर्देश दिया। भारी बारिश के कारण, गोकुल के निवासियों ने भगवान कृष्ण से उन्हें मूसलाधार बारिश से बचाने की गुहार लगाई।
जब लोग गोवर्धन पहाड़ी के पास पहुंचे, तो युवा भगवान कृष्ण ने अपनी छोटी उंगली से पहाड़ को उखाड़ दिया उठा लिया और। ग्रामीणों, उनकी गायों और अन्य लोगों ने गोवर्धन पर्वत के नीचे शरण ले ली। सात दिनों के प्रचंड झंझावात के बाद देवराज इन्द्र को महसूस हुआ कि नन्हा बालक कृष्णा स्वयं जगत के पालनहार श्रीहरि विष्णु के अवतार हैं, तब उन्होंने अपनी हार स्वीकार करते हुए श्रीहरि से क्षमा मांगी ।
अंत में इस दिन को गोवर्धन पर्वत के सम्मान में उत्सव के रूप में मनाया जाता है। तब से, हिंदुओं ने गोवर्धन पूजा मनाई है। गोवर्धन पर्वत भगवान कृष्ण भक्तों के लिए एक महत्वपूर्ण तीर्थ स्थल के रूप में विकसित हो गया है। पूजा के दिन अन्नकूट के दिन हजारों की संख्या में भक्त पर्वत पर विभिन्न प्रकार के भोजन परोसते हैं। वे पहाड़ी के चारों ओर 11 मील की यात्रा की परिक्रमा करते हैं और क्षेत्र के मंदिरों में फूलों की व्यवस्था करते हैं।
गोवर्धन पूजा से जुड़ी एक और पौराणिक कथा भगवान विष्णु के माध्यम से अपने अवतार ‘वामन’ में राजा बलि की हार की चिंता करती है। माना जाता है कि हर साल गोवर्धन पूजा के त्योहार के दौरान राजा बलि पाताल लोक में पृथ्वी पर अपने राज्य का दौरा करने के लिए उठते हैं। देश भर के विभिन्न क्षेत्रों में इस दिन को ‘पड़वा’ या “बलि प्रतिपदा’ कहा जाता है।
When Govardhan Puja is celebrated?
The Hindu calendar is a timetable that places Govardhan Puja during November and October. Hindus observe the day of worship on the day that follows the important Diwali festival. The Hindus are believed to worship Lord Krishna and the Govardhan Mountain to symbolize the triumph of good over evil. People from various places celebrate the day according to their time-honoured tradition.
Govardhan Puja is celebrated in grand style by Mathura and Gokul as the place of worship has been Lord Krishna’s birthplace and where He spent most of his youth. Mathura and Gokul, the birthplace and adolescent residence of Lord Krishna, commemorate Govardhan Puja with a lavish festival.
Lord Krishna raises Govardhan Hill with His little pinky finger for seven days and nights in the Bhagavat Purana to provide shelter to the people of Gokul from severe rains.
The Annakut celebration is celebrated on the first day of the lunar equinox that falls during the Shukla Paksha (bright fortnight) in Kartik, next day after.
Hindu worshippers from across the world visit Govardhan mountain, located close to Mathura within Uttar Pradesh. Govardhan has been a religious place where people worship the mountain, offering food and prayers. On this day of auspiciousness, worshippers offer Lord Krishna 56 delectable meals called “chhappan Bhog.”
The devotees sing kirtans, Aartis, and bhajans to pay tribute to Lord Krishna and Govardhan Parvat.’ The devotees who have full faith and affection for Lord Krishna pray and ask his blessing for a peaceful life.
Rituals and Puja vidhi to celebrate Govardhan Puja:
Puja Vidhi
Govardhan Puja is also referred to as Annakoot puja. People prepare chappan bhog, 56 varieties of food, which are offered to God. People place an image of Govardhan and worship it.
How to do or perform Govardhan Puja at home?
Needed Samagri
- Cow dung or mud
- 2 sugarcane sticks
- Curds, unboiled milk, batasha, ladoo and peda
- Roll, rice
- Clay Deepak and matchsticks
- One silver coin (if you don’t have, use any coin & have faith)
How to perform Govardhan Puja?
- By offering 2 sticks of sugarcane to the picture of Govardhan, begin the puja
- Then offer Curd, unboiled milk, batasha, laddoo and peda.
- Light a Deepak and offer roli and rice.
- After the puja, pray to Govardhan.
- Leave sone batasha in thali and give it to someone along with money.
- Read Lakshmi Katha.
- Person who reads Lakshmi katha, should be given silver coin as dakshina
- After the puja, put the kaajal from the kajlota of Deepavali puja.
- It is believed that the women of the house should eat first and should start their meal by eating something sweet.
Govardhan Puja Aarti
Lord Krishna Mantra
While performing Govardhan Puja, people chant the following mantra to please Lord Krishna:
|| श्रीगिर्रिराजधरणप्रभुतेरीशरण ||
Gou Puja Mantra ( गौ – पूजन का मंत्रः )
Chant this mantra while worshiping Cow.
लक्ष्मीर्या लोकपालानां धेनुरूपेण संस्थिता।
घृतं वहति यज्ञार्थ मम पापं व्यपोहतु।।
Shree Govardhan Aarti in Hindi
श्री गोवर्धन महाराज , ओ महाराज , तेरे माथे मुकुट विराज रहेओ ।
तोपे पान चढ़े तोपे फूल चढ़े , तोपे चढ़े दूध की धार ।
तेरी सात कोस की परिकम्मा , चकलेश्वर है विश्राम ।
तेरे गले में कंठा साज रेहेओ , ठोड़ी पे हीरा लाल ।
तेरे कानन कुंडल चमक रहेओ , तेरी झांकी बनी विशाल ।
गिरिराज धारण प्रभु तेरी शरण ।
Shree Govardhan Aarti in English
Shri Govardhan Maharaj, O Maharaj, Tere Mathe Mukuta Viraja aheo।
Tope Paan Chadhe Tope Phoola Chadhe, Tope Chadhe Dudha Ki hara।
Teri Saat Kosa Ki Parikamma, Chakaleshwara Hai Vishrama।
Tere Gale Mein Kantha Saja Raheo, Thodi Pe Heera Laal।
Tere Kanana Kundala Chamaka Raheo, Teri Jhanki Bani Vishala।
Giriraj Dharana Prabhu Teri Sharana ।
Govardhan Puja may also refer to by the name of Annakoot Puja. It is a time to prepare Chappan bhog comprising 56 different kinds of food items offered to God. The people worship Govardhan by placing a statue of him inside their homes.
The facts regarding Govardhan Puja
Bali-Pratipada or Bali Padyami
The Govardhan Puja, celebrates Lord Vishnu’s victory against the demon king Bali by displaying his Vamana avatar. Vishnu temples are decorated and honoured on the day that is considered to be auspicious.
Gujarati New Year, also called Padwa
Gujarati people celebrate Govardhan Puja as the start of the New Year. They exchange gifts and ask for luck and happiness and seek the blessings of their elders.
Lord Krishna, Indra & Govardhan
Govardhan Puja The day of this puja, Lord Krishna lifted Govardhan hill with his small finger, securing humanity from Lord Indra’s wrath.
Annakut Utsav
Annkoot is also called”the Food Mountain. The people make 56 kinds of food items, also known as ‘Chappan bhog in honour of Lord Krishna.
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